
Would you like to relax?

Do you feel stressed? Emotionally challenged? Tired with no reason? Wouldn't it be great to experience a deep sense of relaxation in a few minutes? The answer is just one click away.

My Relax 3D is a powerful and easy application that enables you to experience a profound feeling of comfort while on public transportation, in bed, during a coffee break or whenever you have 5 minutes to spare to enhance your wellbeing.

Simply hold your iPhone/iPod, with or without wearing your 3D glasses, and you'll be magically taken on a luxurious, exotic island where you'll experience a higher quality of life following the instructions of the voiceover or enjoy 360¡ relaxing landscapes listening to pleasant music of your choice. While less intense, the experience is equally effective without wearing 3D glasses.

The most relaxing site

Welcome to the most relaxing site on the web. This is the place where you may tell us about what is stressing you but, most importantly, here is where you can pick up a great iPhone application that will lessen your stress level.

For now take a moment to relax.
Close your eyes.
Take a deep cleansing breath.
Blow all the air out.

Now, imagine you're on a fantastic tropical island.

Your journey towards total relaxation begins...